Materials and Method: The research was conducted at four rest homes. The Form for the Evaluation of Risk Factors for Falls in rest homes that was developed by the researchers was used in the study. Research data were collected by three different observers. Item consistency was examined and items that had a Cronbach's alpha value less than 0.60 were removed from the assessment. For the evaluation of every section the distribution of the number of items related to that section and percentage distribution were calculated. The items's risk scores were added and the general risk score was calculated.
Results: When the mean of the general risk scores for the rest homes were examined Ümitköy Rest Home was found to have a significantly higher risk score (52.00±4.24) than the other homes. According to the risk assessment of the rest homes'corridors and stairs, 92.7%of the corridors had slippery surfaces, the preventive measure of making clear the bottom and top step of 95.1%of the stairs had not been done.
Conclusion: The risk factors that could be eliminated by making changes in the environment that do not require excessive resources.
Keywords : Elder, Fall, Assessment, Environmental risk, Nursing, Rest home