Turkish Journal of Geriatrics
2011 , Vol 14, Issue 1
1Ankara Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Genel Cerrahi Anabilim Dalı, ANKARA
Described first by Bartholin in 1654, gallstone ileus is a rare benign cause of mechanical intestinal
obstruction in the elderly with a high morbidity and mortality rate. The patients are at
an advanced age and have many other concomitant diseases that may increase the operative
risk. Although benign cases are extremely rare in this age group, since gallstone ileus accounts
for up to 25% of all benign intestinal obstructions cases in elderly, surgeons must keep this rare
condition and its treatment in mind. Although most of the patients need emergency surgery for
treatment, there is no consensus on the most beneficial surgical approach. Herein we report two
cases of gallstone ileus treated by enterolithotomy alone, which is usually sufficient for successful
Keywords :
Aged; Ileus/etiology; Ileus/gallstone