Turkish Journal of Geriatrics
2011 , Vol 14, Issue 2
Ankara Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Göğüs Hastalıkları Anabilim Dalı ANKARA
Cutaneous tuberculosis (TB) is a rare form of extrapulmonary tuberculosis (EPT) and scrofuloderma
is one of the manifestations of cutaneous TB. It is usually caused by fistulization of
lymph nodes to the skin. The most common predilection site is the cervical region. A 96 year-old
female was admitted with multiple cervical swollen lymp nodes with 10 years duration. The biggest
one had fistulized through the skin discharging purulent material. Multiple samples of purulent
material were obtained and evaluated by direct light microscopy after Ziehl-Nielsen procedure.
Acido-resistant bacilli (ARB) at a level of (++++) were detected in every microscopic field BACTEC
and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) analyses were found as positive and microorganism
was identified as Mycobacterium tuberculosis. The fistulized lymph node was debrided at the
bed-side and pathological examination showed granulomatous lymphadenitis. Four-drug anti-tuberculosis
regimen was started immediately. However, although clinical improvement was present,
the patient died unexpectedly at the first month of the treatment due to cardiac reasons
without any therapy-related complications. In conclusion, scrofuloderma should be suspected in
any elderly patient with enlarged lymph nodes along with a fistulization to skin especially in countries
where TB is endemic like Turkey, and approached appropriately.
Keywords :
Skin; Tuberculosis; Scrofuloderma