Researches conducted in the field of Geriatrics and Gerontology (on a spesific population of 65 years and older) is published in Turkish Journal of Geriatrics.
Turkish Journal of Geriatrics is indexed under Web of Science (WOS) Core Collection:
Science Citation Index Expanded (SCI-Exp) & Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI) since 2008 and SCOPUS since 1998.
Turkish Journal of Geriatrics is also covered by TÜBİTAK ULAKBİM TR Index (Dizin) since 2003.
Frequently asked questions |
Turkish Journal of Geriatrics is a peer-reviewed journal and is devoted to high standards of scientific rules and publication ethics. The journal uses double anonymized type of peer review process.
The Editorial Board Members of the Journal accept to follow 'Editorial Policy' of the 'Council of Science Editors' ( www.councilscienceeditors.org/) and the guidelines provided by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), the World Association of Medical Editors (WAME), the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) for dealing with scientific misconduct, such as falsification of data, plagiarism, improprieties of authorship, violation of generally accepted research practices and redundant publication and duplicate publication.
Turkish Journal of Geriatrics is published four times a year.
Owner: Turkish Geriatrics Society www.turkgeriatri.org
Editor in Chief: Prof. Yeşim GÖKÇE-KUTSAL, MD.
Articles published in the journal are shown at
http://www.turkgeriatri.org & http://www.geriatri.dergisi.org
Instructions for authors are based on the report of International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (Uniform Requirements for manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals, www.icmje.org).
Manuscripts must be original and not under consideration by another publication at the time of submission.
The authors must ensure that they have read and understood the details noted in the publication policy of our journal. Failure to comply can lead to delays in the processing of the manuscript, or even rejection.
Official language of the journal is English. Turkish Journal of Geriatrics invites submission of Original Articles based on clinical and laboratory studies.
Review Articles are published only after the invitation from the Editorial Board.
Manuscripts and the necessary documents should be submitted online at: Online Manuscript Submission (Submit an Article tab).
Authors are advised to keep a copy of their papers for reference. It is the responsibility of all authors to agree on the content of their paper before submission.
As recommended by TUBİTAK ULAKBIM, the authors should get their ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) numbers from the web address free of charge: http://orcid.org
Preparation of Manuscript
Papers must be written in English. Authors must have their papers checked for linguistic accuracy by one of the corporations below which have been determined by The Editorial Committee regarding service quality and scientific standards of the journal.
For the language editing of the article and to get the “Formal Certificate of Language Control and Correction", authors can contact to the below addresses:
EDITAGE https://www.editage.com/
WILEY https://www.wiley.com/en-gb
SCRIBENDI https://www.scribendi.com/
AMERICAN JOURNAL EXPERTS https://www.aje.com/
ENDO TERCÜME https://endotercume.com.tr
PROTRANSLATE https://www.protranslate.net/tr/
The corrected manuscript should be sent to the journal after it has received the “formal certificate of language control and correction” – this certificate should be uploaded to the journal online system with the manuscript.
Articles published in the Turkish Journal of Geriatrics should be prepared in ethical rules. The ethical responsibilities of the articles belong to the authors. For all the studies both conducted on human beings and animals as well as drug research, ethical committee approval should be taken and a signed copy of "Ethical Committee Approval" should be uploaded to the journal system.
The “Official Approval of the Ethics Committee” must have been obtained before starting the research.
The manuscripts will not be published without a copy of the "ethical committee approval" document. For all the studies conducted on human beings "Informed Consent" of all the participants of the study should be taken.
Authors should obey the rules in “Helsinki Declaration”, “Good Medical Practice Guidelines”, and “Good Laboratories Practice Guidelines”.
Names of the patients, protocol numbers, etc which identify participants’ identities should not be used in the manuscript. If the editorial board finds necessary, the admitted articles will be reviewed not only by the scientific advisors, but by the ethical advisors of the journal as well. Authors submitting an article must accept this situation.
All of the articles submitted to the Turkish Journal of Geriatrics should fit to the “Information to authors” details. The assessment process will not start until this step is completed.
Via online submission 1) English Title, 2) Names, Surnames and Titles of the authors, 3) Institutions, 4) Present communication details should be loaded to the system. Original articles and Invited Reviews should not exceed 4000 words.
When a manuscript is submitted, authors must provide a word count for both the abstract and the text. Editors can request authors to shorten their articles.
The text of observational and experimental articles should be divided into sections with the headings Introduction, Materials and Method, Results, and Discussion. Long articles may need subheadings within some sections (especially the Results and Discussion sections) to clarify their content. Invited reviews and editorials are likely to take their own relevant main headings.
Artificial Intelligence
Authors who use artificial intelligence (AI) tools in research design, data analysis, image/graphic element production, reference evaluation and article writing should explain their strategy transparently in the method section. With this approach, they will demonstrate ethical behavior and take full responsibility. AI is not considered an author. Authors take full responsibility for the content of their articles, even sections generated by an AI tool, and are also responsible for any violations of publication ethics. Scientific journals do not allow AI-derived materials to be cited as primary references. Authors must rely on and cite human-generated content as primary references in a manner that ensures the reliability and integrity of the research presented.
A structured abstract of not more than 250 words in English should be structured, including Introduction, Materials and Method, Results, and Conclusion. New and important observations or aspects of the study should be emphasized. Abstracts of the review articles should be a brief overview of the main points from the review. Abstracts should reflect the whole manuscript and the consistency between the text. No abbreviations should be used in this section.
Up to six keywords should be provided that might be used by researchers searching bibliographic databases for the paper. The authors have to use terms from the Medical Subjects Headings list from Index Medicus.( www.nlm.nih.gov/mesh/MBrowser.html)
Acquaint the readers with the problem and with the findings of others. Quote the most pertinent papers and state clearly the nature and purpose of the work.
Materials and Method
Your clinical, technical or experimental procedures should be clearly explained. Previously published papers related to methods should be cited. Ethical approval of the study should be mentioned here.
Findings must be described without comment. A concise textual description of the data presented in tables, chats and figures should also be included.
Comment on your findings and relate them to those from other authors. You should define their relevance to experimental research or clinical practice. Compare the results of your research with the other studies on this topic and don't forget to write down the strengths and weaknesses of your research in detail.
The author is responsible for the accuracy of the references. Citations in the text should be identified by numbers in standart brackets. The list of the references at the end of the paper should be given according to their first appearance in the text. Journal abbreviations should be used as listed in Index Medicus and the doi numbers of the articles must be written.
All references cited in the article should be written in ENGLISH. If a Turkish article needed to be cited, both the title of the article and the name of the journal should be written in English. At the end of the reference (in Turkish) can be added in brackets.
In articles with a number of authors greater than 6, the name of the first 3 authors should be given and by continuing with et al. the tag of the article should be written.
1-Articles from journals
Watanabe K, Miwa H, Wakui T, Kajitani I. Adopting the service system view toward successful implementation of assistive technologies. Geriatr Gerontol Int. 2024 Mar;24 Suppl 1(Suppl 1):74-80. doi: 10.1111/ggi.14797.
BG Katzung. Special Aspects of Geriatric Pharmacology, In:Bertram G. Katzung,Susan B. Masters, Anthony J. Trevor (Eds). Basic and Clinical Pharmacology. 10th edition, Lange, Mc Graw Hill, USA 2007, pp 983-90.
3-Articles or documents from electronic publications:
World Health Organization. Global Health and Aging [e-book] NIH Publication; 2011. [Internet]. Available from: http://www.who.int/ageing/publications/ global_health.pdf. Accessed: 09.09.2019.
Access date, DOI or ID numbers of the articles should be mentioned. The UPDATED reference should be available in the referred web address.
The tables should be placed in the main text, and their explanations and definitions should be written at the top of the tables.
Illustrations should be limited to those essential for the text. The same results should be presented as either graphs or tables not as both. All figures, whether photographs, graphs, or diagrams, should be numbered consecutively and shown in the text. The publisher reserves the right to reduce or enlarge illustrations. Arrows, letters, and numbers should be inserted professionally.
Graphs, figures, and illustrations should be placed in the main text. And also separate files should be prepared for each one on a separate file,
The authors should supply the electronic files for all figures and illustrations including photographs as gif or jpeg images with a minimum resolution of 600 dpi.
Micrographs should have an internal magnification marker; the magnification should also be stated in the caption. Legends must be brief, self-sufficient explanations of the illustrations in no more than four or five lines. Remarks such as “For explanation, see text" should be avoided. The legends should also be typed at the end of the text. Screening resolution: The image should be at least 600 dpi resolution.
Metric system should be used for all types of measurements.
Abbreviations and Symbols
Abbreviations and Symbols should not be used in abstract and title sections.
Only standard abbreviations should be used in the main text. In the first use, long version of the abbreviation should be written.
Authors can thank to the persons, institutions, etc in this section.
Conflict of Interest
The authors should state whether there is a conflict of interest or not.
Review Articles
The journal is open only for “Invited Reviews”.
Attention! Last Control Before Submission (Checklist for Submitted Articles)
All of the articles submitted to the Turkish Journal of Geriatrics should completely fit to the “information to authors’ details.
Important Steps
The review process will not start until all the below steps are completed.
1-Letter of submission written for the chief editor.
2-E-mail address as well as institutional postal address, official telephone number of the corresponding author.
3-Affiliations (in English) and ORCID numbers (http://orcid.org) of all the authors.
4-English heading.
5-English “structured” abstract (250 words at maximum).
6-English key words in accordance with Medical Subjects Headings-MeSH List (up to 6 words) (https://meshb.nlm.nih.gov/search)
7-Article divided into appropriate sections.
8-All figures (with legends) and tables (with titles) cited (should be 5 at maximum)
9-Complete and accurate references (references should be 25 at maximum with the doi numbers) written according to the rules and of the journal.
10-Articles should not exceed 4000 words (including the abstract).
The Scientific Evaluation Process
In order to start the scientific evaluation process, the below 5 documents should be sent through the online system for all the articles:
1-For all the articles Application Fee Receipt
2-For all the studies signed copy of Ethical Committee Approval Document
3-Copyright Transfer Form with all of the authors’ signatures,
4-Author Contribution Form with all of the authors’ signatures,
5-Copy of Certificate of Language Control and Correction
Please click for e-collittera author guideline.
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