Turkish Journal of Geriatrics 2013 , Vol 16, Issue 4
Ömer COŞKUN1, Ümit SAVAŞÇI4, Ahmet KARAKAŞ1, Kemal ŞİMŞEK2, İsmail Yaşar AVCI1, Sabahattin SARI3, Can Polat EYİGÜN1
1GATA, Enfeksiyon Hastalıkları ve Klinik Mikrobiyoloji, ANKARA
2GATA, Sualtı Hekimliği ve Hiperbarik Tıp ANKARA
3GATA, Radyoloji ANKARA
4Sarıkamış Asker Hastanesi, Enfeksiyon Hastalıkları ve Klinik Mikrobiyoloji, KARS
Introduction: Foot infections are among the most common complications encountered in patients with diabetes mellitus in clinical practice. This disease and its sequelae are one of the main causes of hospitalization among patients with diabetes mellitus. The primary objective in the treatment of diabetic foot infection is to prevent amputation and to help recover the functions. In this study, various clinical parameters of diabetic foot infection patients have been evaluated and these parameters have been correlated with variables such as risk factors and level of infection.

Materials and Method: The study was conducted retrospectively on the records of 32 diabetic foot infection patients (24 males, 8 females) who stayed and were treated in Gulhane medical hospital department of infectious diseases and Clinic between 2005 and 2012.

Results: Mean score of the participants' age was 63.53±9.9. Results revealed that uncontrolled diabetes significantly increased diabetic foot infection risk. As to body temperature, peripheral leukocyte, acute phase reactants and biochemical parameters, the results demonstrated that they could not be correlated to the degree of the disease; however, they might change in an unspecific way in acute or advanced stages. Single growth in blood culture proved to be more common. Combined antibiotic treatment was highly preferred. Patients, even those under the risk of amputation, responded positively to hyperbaric oxygen therapy.

Conclusion: Diabetic foot infections are serious cases that require a multidisciplinary treatment approach. Accordingly, a proper anamnesis taken from the patient, clinical evaluation, early diagnosis via appropriate radiological and microbiological methods, and accurate treatment will prevent loss of limb Keywords : Diabetic Foot; Infection; Aged