Turkish Journal of Geriatrics 2007 , Vol 10, Issue 1
Sağlık Bakanlığı Okmeydanı Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi Anesteziyoloji ve Reanimasyon Kliniği İSTANBUL Major elective and emergency surgery is being given to many older patients with the improvement of anesthesia and surgical techniques and therefore the lifespan of the older population is extending. An increase is seen in the thresholds of all receptors related with senses such as vision, hearing, touch, taste, pain and heat with the age. The decrease in parasympathetic tonus, beta receptor sensitivity and elasticity of heart-vessel with the increase of age are the primary changes seen in the cardiovascular system. The decrease in pulmonary tissue leads to extreme distention of alveoli and collapse of small airways. The renal blood flow and the renal mass decreases with the age. During the preanesthetic evaluation of a geriatric case; the patient should be informed about anesthesia practice and possible feelings during perioperative period and give a chance to make a choice for premedication and anesthesia method. Physiological changes emerging with age cause the change of pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic response of the patient against the drugs. Preoperative interview is necessary for the determination of anesthesiological and pain problems of the patient and planning of convenient postoperative pain treatment and important for reduce the patient fear which is marked feature of acute pain. Keywords : Geriatric anesthesia