2Ankara Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi Fiziksel Tıp ve Rehabilitasyon, ANKARA
3Ankara Ãœniversitesi, Biyoistatistik, ANKARA Introduction: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of osteoporosis and vertebral fractures on physical activity and quality of life in female patients 65 years and over.
Materials and Method: 50 women with a mean age of 68.48 ± 3.19 years were enrolled to the study. Demographic properties were recorded. Lumbar vertebra and proksimal femur bone mineral density (BMD) were measured by dual energy X-ray absorbtiometry DXA. Lateral spine radiographs were taken to determine vertebral fractures. Physical capacity of the patients was assessed by six-minute walk test (SMWT). “Quality of life European Foundation for Osteoporosis (Qualeffo)” questionnaire was used to evaluate quality of life.
Results: Vertebral fracture was determined in 19 (38 %) patients. SMWT was significanly low and physical activity scores of Qualeffo was high in patients with vertebral fracture. Besides Age was negatively correlated with proximal femur and total lumbar BMD and SMWT. Proximal femur total T score correlated with SMWT.
Conclusion: In geriatric female patients with vertebral fractures physical performance is lower compared to patients without vertebral fractures. Therefore, during evaluation of elderly patients we should keep in mind that low physical capacity negatively affects quality of life in geriatric patients with vertebral fractures.
Keywords : Physical activity, Bone mineral density, Quality of life, Elderly